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What to expect from Liberty Coast 2A.

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Welcome! If you're reading this then you have taken the time to find out a little bit about Liberty Coast 2A. There are many blogs and companies out there, but this one is ours. Every product bought from our small business is a statement against the dogma of people who don't understand the importance of what being a American means. You either understand or you don't. Firearms offend people ignorant to the liberties secured by them; Censorship is real and here to stay unfortunately. Liberty Coast 2A has accepted the challenge of risking being shadow banned for the things we stand for.

With the obvious out of the way and stated I can move on to Liberty Coast 2A. For a couple months now my father and I have consolidated what we believe in and looked for a way to express the ideals we hold dear. Being a family from South Carolina and Tennessee we wanted to find ways to highlight the beautiful qualities of our home states while promoting freedom and patriotism. We bumped our heads for awhile and the more time we pondered the more it made sense. Liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the ability to defend it. These are the things that mattered most to us.

This blog will touch on the topics of The 2nd Amendment, preparedness, South Carolina, Tennessee, Coastal living, and the beauty of the outdoors ranging from the mountains to the sea. The goal of our brand is to support American-made products, the 2nd amendment, and our unalienable rights while celebrating the history of the United States of America.

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